Charmingly Indelicate
I am two things, a voracious reader and an avid dreamer. Many of my current drafts were inspired or influenced by dreams. I take these dreams and begin to pull them like taffy, adding a bit of color here, a bit of flavor there. I add a pinch of myself, family and friends, a dash of life experience, and a heaping spoonful of fantasy. It's also fair to note that my mind is dirty, so my books have a healthy measure of spice.
I usually write in the first person, sometimes changing the point of view. One aspect of my writing is that may be different from other authors is my character descriptions; in many cases, I do not describe the main character's physical appearance in detail. I do this intentionally so the reader can easily find themselves in the story. I do this with other characters at times, as we all have different definitions of "handsome" and other subjective descriptions. I'm interested in your opinions on how this works for you as a reader, so please reach out and let me know.
Escape Awaits

Mischief and Dreams
Thera is a Warrior with telekinetic and telepathic powers and the top fighter in her compound. Warriors like Thera protect the peace between the Human Realm and the Realms of the Timeless, immortals with near infinite powers, Angels, Demons, Gods, and Fae. During a battle in the Outer Realm, she is kidnapped by the God of Mischief, and held as a prisoner of war at his palace. Though he doesn't reveal his motives, given the amount of time she spends in his bedchambers, it is clear this isn’t strictly for political strategy. During her months in captivity, the two engage in a battle of wills and strategy to outwit the other, but suddenly, without explanation, he releases Thera. Back at the compound and surrounded by her closest friends, she still struggles to find a sense of normalcy. Even when she is cleared to return to training and missions, nothing is able to rid her mind of the ghost of him; even in sleep, his touch haunts her skin.
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Upcoming Books
City of the Dead (Working Title)
Living in New Orleans after her divorce, Adeline Parks falls in love with a handsome man from her favorite coffee shop. One evening, she is attacked by a vampire. On the brink of death, the Elf Queen, Amser, visits her in a dream. Amser tells her she is a direct descendant of the High Sorceress, Hafren, and it was her destiny to claim this birthright. Stunned and clinging to life, Adeline must now learn to navigate the world of Vampires, Elves, and Magic before it's too late.
Shorts (Working Title)
A collection of short stories
Short Story: Masquerade (Working Title)
Aspiring novelist, Genevieve O'Connell, works at a local florist to pay the bills, but to broaden her connections, she is hired to attend flashy social events and write rave reviews on social media. At one of these events, Gen meets a mysterious stranger who seems to be everything she is looking for in a man. As the night ends and they part ways, she realizes she hasn't seen his face and doesn't even know is name. Little does she know this encounter will pull her into a world of dark magic and danger.

"Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale"